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1.potential n.潜能;可能性 adj.潜在的,可能的

potential for(doing) sth(做)某事的可能性/潜在性

potential to do sth有潜力做某事

realize/achieve one’s potential发挥某人的潜力

2.senior adj.中学的;级别高的;高级水平的;老年的 n.级别(或地位)较高者;较……年长的人;高水平运动员

be superior to 比……优越(更好、强)

be inferior to低于,不如……,在……之下

be senior to...比……年长(资深)

be junior to...比……年轻(资浅),级别低于……

3.face a challenge面临挑战

meet the challenges of迎接……的挑战

accept/take up a challenge接受挑战

challenge sb (to sth) 向某人挑战(某事)

4.spare no effort to do sth不遗余力做某事

make an effort to do sth努力做某事

in an effort to企图(努力想);试图要

without effort毫不费力

5.advance on/upon/towards朝……前进

in advance预先;提前(指事先)

in advance of在……前面;超过……

make advances in在……方面取得进步

6.in amazement 震惊;惊讶

be amazed at因/对……感到惊奇/吃惊

to one’s amazement令某人吃惊的是;出乎某人意料;使某人惊奇的是

7.confident adj.自信的;确信的

confidently adv.自信地;安心地

build up one’s confidence树立信心

have confidence in对……有信心

8.make good use of好好利用

make full use of充分利用

make the best of充分利用

make little use of几乎不利用;不充分利用

I make little use of my own food. 我不太会做饭

9.have an advantage over在……有优势

have the advantage of...有……的优势

to one’s advantage对某人有利;有利于

10.an attitude to/towards 对……的态度

have/adopt/take a(n)...attitude to/towards sb/sth对某人/事抱着……的态度

11.work towards a goal争取达到目标

realize/reach/achieve/attain a goal达到目标

set a goal设定目标

12.keep/lose one’s balance 保持/失去平衡

keep a balance (between A and B) (在A与B之间)保持平衡

balance A against B权衡/比较A和B

keep a balanced diet保持均衡的饮食

13.be of importance=be important重要的

be of help=be helpful有帮助的

be of use=be useful有用的

be of value=be valuable 有价值的

be of benefit=be beneficial有益的

14.focus on...集中于……

focus one’s attention/eyes/energy on...集中注意力/目光/精力于……

the focus of attention/concern注意力/关注的焦点

15.in progress在进行中

make progress in在……方面取得进步/取得进展


be based on/upon以……为基础;依据……

17.break down出故障;失败;垮掉;分解

break in 破门而入;打断(谈话等)

break out (战争、火灾等)爆发;发生(无被动语态)

break away from 脱离;挣脱

break up打碎;分裂;解体;分拆;分解;驱散;分手;结束

18.remind sb of...提醒某人……;使某人想起……

remind sb to do sth提醒某人做某事

remind (sb) that/how/what...提醒(某人)……;使某人想起……

19.pay sb for sth付钱给某人作为……的费用

pay for sth为……付费/吃苦头/受惩罚

pay back还钱;报复

pay a price for...为……付出代价

20.propose to do/doing sth打算做某事

proposal for sth对某事的建议

proposal to do sth做某事的建议

21.achieve one’s aim 达到某人的目的;实现某人的目标

take aim at向……瞄准

with the aim of以……为目标;意在……

aim at doing sth/aim to do sth意欲/企图/力求做某事

be aimed at目的是;旨在

aim for瞄准;以……为目标地

22.intend doing/to do sth打算做某事

intend sb to do sth打算让某人做某事

be intended to do sth/for sth专门为……;专门给……

with an/the intention of抱有……的目的;打算……

had intended to do sth/intended to have done sth本来打算做某事

intend that...(should) do sth打算/主张……

23.in exchange (for...)作为交换(……)


exchange sth with sb与某人交换某物

make an exchange 交换

24.contribute sth to...把某物捐献给……

contribute to有助于;导致;投稿

25.be fortunate to do sth/in doing sth有幸做某事

unfortunately adv.不幸的是

fortune n.财产;大笔的钱;机会;运气

seek/try one’s fortune 找出路;碰运气

make a fortune发财;赚钱

have the good fortune to do sth有幸做某事

misfortune n.不幸

26.attract one’s attention引起某人的注意

attractive adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的


Let’s talk teens

1.battle for为了……而斗争

battle against/with与……作斗争

half the battle成功了一半;胜利大有希望

2.birth rate出生率

unemployment rate 失业率

heart rate心率

the success/failure rate成功率/失败率

at a rate of以……的速度

3.on the spot马上,当场;在现场

a white cat with brown spots带褐色斑点的白猫

a few spots of blood一些血渍

a quiet spot on the beach海滩上一个安静的地方

4.set a target确定目标

meet/achieve/reach a target完成/达到目标

a target area/audience/group目标范围/观众/群体

hit/miss the target中/脱靶

target sth以……为目标

be targeted at 目的;旨在;针对

5.(1)have a desire to do sth=desire to do sth渴望做某事

have a desire for=desire for渴望

desire that sb(should) do sth渴望某人做某事

(2)desired adj.要求的;想要的

the desired effect预期的效果

6.struggle for 为……而斗争

struggle with/against sb/sth与……作斗争

struggle to do sth努力做某事

struggle to one’s feet挣扎着站起来

7.calm oneself 使自己镇静

calm sb 使某人镇静下来

calm down安静下来

stay/keep/remain calm保持镇静


be viewed as被视为

in view of鉴于;由于

in one’s view在某人看来

get/have a good view of...观看……视野很好

9.show concern for对……关注

as far as sb/sth be concerned就……而言;在……看来

be concerned about/for担心;关心

10.argument n.争论,辩论;论据

arguable adj.可论证的;可疑的

argue with sb about/over sth与某人争论某事

argue sb into doing sth说服某人做某事/接受某种意见

argue sb out of doing sth说服某人不做某事/打消某种念头

argue against 反驳

argue for 赞同;主张

11.design sth to do sth为了做……而设计……

be designed for为……而设计

12.be likely to do sth有可能做某事

It is/was likely that...很有可能……

not likely不可能

unlikely adj.不可能的

13.performer n.表演者

perform vt.表演;演出;表现;做;执行;履行

perform magic tricks表演魔术

perform well/badly表现好/差

perform an experiment/a ceremony做实验/举行仪式

perform an operation做手术

perform a task执行任务

perform an important role in在……发挥重要作用

14.be eager for sth渴望某物

be eager to do sth渴望做某事

15.open/close an account开立/结清账户

give an account of描述

account for是……的原因;解释;(数量上、比例上)占

16.airport/hotel security机场/旅馆的安全措施

a sense of security安全感

for security reasons 出于安全考虑

job/financial security工作/经济保障

17.gather together聚集起来,合拢

gather round/around聚集,集合

gather in收割,收获

gather speed/force加快速度/加大力量

18.(1)volunteer to do sth自愿做某事

volunteer for sth自愿做某事

(2)voluntary adj.自愿的;志愿的

19.the scene of the accident/attack/crime 事故/袭击/犯罪现场

at/on the scene在现场;到现场

20.(1)make a/no response to对……做出/未做回应

in response to 对……做出回应

(2)respond vi.回答;作出反应

respond to对……做出回应


Getting along with others

1.recover from...从……中恢复

recover oneself某人恢复知觉

recover sth重新获得/找回某物

recovery n.恢复;复苏;痊愈

make a recovery from...从……中恢复

2.(1)respond to sth对……作出反应/回答

(2)response n.回答,响应,反应

in response to...作为对……的反应

make a quick response to...对……作出很快的反应

responsible adj.有责任的;可依靠的;负责的

be responsible for sth/sb对……负责

3.(1)at a loss不知所措,困惑

(2)lose v.丢失;损失,丧失

lose face丢脸

lose weight减肥

(3)lost adj.丢失的,丧失的;迷失的

be lost in陷入……


judging from/by...根据……判断

(2)judgment n.判断,判决书

make a judgment 作判断

(3)judging by/from 为独立主格结构作状语,此处的judging 一般不用judged形式。

5.apologize (to sb) for (doing)sth因(做)某事(向某人)道歉

apologize for oneself为自己辩解或辩护

accept sb’s apology 接受某人的道歉

owe sb an apology应向某人道歉

make an apology to sb for sth因某事向某人道歉

6.behave well/badly to/towards sb对某人表现好/差

behave oneself守规矩,表现得体

He is now better behaved.


7.(1)in case 万一,以防万一

in case of...假使……/万一……

in any case无论如何,总之

in this/that case如果这样/那样的话,在这种/那种情况下

in no case 决不

in the case of...就……来说

as is often the case这是常有的事

as the case may/might be看情况,视情况而定

8.out of ignorance 出于无知

ignorant adj.无知的;愚昧的

be ignorant of 不了解;不知情

9.suffer from遭受;患病

suffer pain/defeat/hardship/damage遭受痛苦/失败/艰难/破坏

suffering n.痛苦;苦恼;让人痛苦的事

sufferer n.患难者;患病者


(1)suffer指抽象的损害、痛苦等,如:suffer pain/defeat/losses/the result/side effects“遭受痛苦/失败/损失/(承受)结果/副作用”。

(2)suffer from常加具体的表示不幸或痛苦的名词,如:遭受战争、自然灾害、疾病带来的痛苦。

10.count on/upon=depend/rely on/upon依赖,依靠

count on sb to do sth依靠/指望某人做某事



count sb/sth as/to be...把某人/物看作……

count up=add up把……加起来

11.in order按顺序

in pain痛苦,在苦恼中

in trouble处于困境中

in silence在寂静中

in surprise惊奇地

12.in trouble在危险、受罚、忧虑的处境中

out of trouble摆脱麻烦;脱离困境

get into trouble陷入困境;遇到麻烦

get sb into/out of trouble使某人陷入/摆脱困境

take the trouble to do sth不辞辛劳做某事;费神做某事

have trouble with sth做某事有困难/麻烦

13.respect sb for sth因某事而尊重某人

have/show respect for sb尊重某人

out of respect for...出于对……的尊敬;顾及

14.bring about带来;引来;造成

bring along使发展;促使成长

bring down打落;击落;降低

bring forth生产;产出

bring forward提出;把……提前

bring in带来;引来;引进

bring up 抚养;教育;提出;呕吐


make...to one’s measure按某人的尺寸做(衣服等)

take measures to do sth采取措施做某事

in some measure 在某种程度上

economy measures 节约措施

economic measures 经济措施

measurement n.测量

16.(1)be lost in reflection陷入深思之中

(2)reflect vt.映射;反射 vi.思考


reflect on思考,反省;回想

















